Base Mapping & Topographic Surveys
Digital Models
Are you in need of a CAD model that accurately depicts the features of an existing site?
We meet the requirements of owners, developers, planners and engineers by efficiently and accurately assembling the base map needed for a multitude of projects from commercial development to utility locations.
Our team is adept at researching utility records and historic documents as well as using the resources of GIS, to provide a first look at a parcel. Utilizing GPS and efficient field data gathering methods (which incorporate automated mapping features) allow us to quickly transfer data from field to CAD.
We are well versed in requesting utility records and markings through 811 services. Through records research and
visual confirmation, we are able to provide utility information to our clients, depicted on the existing site conditions. If
SUE Level A or B is requested, we are able to bring that service to our clients through the use of one of our
subcontractor partners.

Institutional, Education, and Manufacturing
- Campus wide mapping of existing features
- Utility locations
- Detailed building dimensions utilizing 3d scanning
- Vegetation identification
- Cemetery expansion
- Utility identification and routing
- Road frontage traffic patterns
- Elevation and planimetric identification
and Multi-Family
- Raw land mapping
- Research availability of utilities
- Levels of deliverables based on action level